Source code for xrdfit.plotting

""" This module contain functions for plotting spectral data and the fits to it.
None of these functions should be called directly by users - these functions are called from
plot methods in spectrum_fitting.

import os
import pathlib
from typing import Tuple, List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

# TYPE_CHECKING is False at runtime but allows Type hints in IDE
    from xrdfit.spectrum_fitting import PeakParams, PeakFit

matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=14)
matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=14)
matplotlib.rc('axes', titlesize=20)
matplotlib.rc('axes', labelsize=20)
matplotlib.rcParams['axes.formatter.useoffset'] = False

[docs]def plot_polar_heat_map(num_cakes: int, rad: Union[np.ndarray, List[int]], z_data: np.ndarray, first_cake_angle: int, cake_order: str): """Plot a polar heat map using matplotlib. :param num_cakes: The number of segments the polar map is divided into. :param rad: The radial bin edges. :param z_data: A num_cakes by rad shaped array of data to plot. :param first_cake_angle: The angle clockwise from vertical at which to label the first cake. :param cake_order: The order of cakes in the input data. Valid options are `clockwise` or `anticlockwise` """ degrees_per_cake = 360 / num_cakes half_cake_angle = degrees_per_cake / 2 azm = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num_cakes + 1) r, theta = np.meshgrid(rad, azm) # theta_offset is anticlockwise regardless of theta direction. # Add 90 to theta offset since theta zero defaults to east. # Subtract first cake angle to orient image correctly # Subtract half of direction * half cake angle to align cake centers in cardinal directions, # rather than the bin edges. if cake_order == "clockwise": direction = -1 else: direction = 1 plt.subplot(projection="polar", theta_direction=direction, theta_offset=np.deg2rad(90 - first_cake_angle - (direction * half_cake_angle))) plt.pcolormesh(theta, r, z_data.T) plt.plot(azm, r, ls='none') plt.grid() # Turn on theta grid lines at the cake edges plt.thetagrids([theta * 360 / num_cakes for theta in range(num_cakes)], labels=[]) # Turn off radial grid lines plt.rgrids([]) ax = plt.gca() # Put the cake numbers in the right places. Rotation is clockwise in accordance with # theta_direction -1 above. trans, _, _ = ax.get_xaxis_text1_transform(0) for label in range(1, num_cakes + 1): ax.text( np.deg2rad((label * degrees_per_cake - half_cake_angle)), -0.1, label, transform=trans, rotation=0, ha="center", va="center")
[docs]def plot_spectrum(data: np.ndarray, cakes_to_plot: List[int], merge_cakes: bool, show_points: bool, x_range: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = None, log_scale=False): """Plot a raw spectrum using matplotlib. :param data: The data to plot, x_data in column 0, y data in columns 1-N where N is the number of cakes in the dataset. :param cakes_to_plot: Which cakes (columns of y data) to plot. :param merge_cakes: If True plot the sum of the selected cakes as a single line. If False plot all selected cakes individually. :param show_points: Whether to show data points on the plot. :param x_range: If supplied, restricts the x-axis of the plot to this range. :param log_scale: If True, plot y axis on log scale. If False use linear scale. """ if show_points: line_spec = "-x" else: line_spec = "-" if x_range: x_mask = np.logical_and(x_range[0] < data[:, 0], data[:, 0] < x_range[1]) else: x_mask = [True] * data.shape[0] if merge_cakes: plt.plot(data[x_mask, 0], data[x_mask, 1:], line_spec, linewidth=2) else: for cake_num in cakes_to_plot: plt.plot(data[x_mask, 0], data[x_mask, cake_num], line_spec, linewidth=2, label=cake_num) plt.legend() # Plot formatting plt.minorticks_on() plt.xlabel(r'Two Theta ($^\circ$)') plt.ylabel('Intensity') if x_range: plt.xlim(x_range[0], x_range[1]) if log_scale: plt.yscale("log") plt.tight_layout()
[docs]def plot_peak_params(peak_params: List["PeakParams"], x_range: Tuple[float, float], label_angle: float): """A visualisation to show the PeakParams. Peak bounds are indicated by a shaded grey area. Maxima bounds are shown by a dashed green line for the min bound and a dashed red line for the max bound. This method is called with an active plot environment and plots the peak params on top. :param peak_params: The peak params to plot. :param x_range: If supplied, restricts the x-axis of the plot to this range. :param label_angle: If supplied, the angle to rotate the maxima labels. """ for params in peak_params: bounds_min = params.peak_bounds[0] bounds_max = params.peak_bounds[1] range_center = (bounds_min + bounds_max) / 2 plt.axvline(bounds_min, ls="-", lw=1, color="grey") plt.axvline(bounds_max, ls="-", lw=1, color="grey") plt.axvspan(bounds_min, bounds_max, alpha=0.2, color='grey', hatch="/") for maximum in params.maxima: min_x = maximum.bounds[0] max_x = maximum.bounds[1] center = (min_x + max_x) / 2 plt.axvline(min_x, ls="--", color="green") plt.axvline(max_x, ls="--", color="red") if x_range[0] < range_center < x_range[1]: plt.text(center, plt.ylim()[1],, ha="center", va="bottom", fontsize=matplotlib.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] * 0.8, rotation=label_angle) plt.xlim(x_range)
[docs]def plot_peak_fit(peak_fit: "PeakFit", time_step: str = None, file_name: str = None, title: str = None, label_angle: float = None, log_scale=False): """Plot the result of a peak fit as well as the raw data. :param peak_fit: The result of a peak fit :param time_step: If provided, used to generate the title of the plot. :param file_name: If provided used as a on disk location to save the plot. :param title: If provided, can be used to override the auto generated plot title. :param label_angle: The angle to rotate maxima labels. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y axis on a log or linear scale. """ data = peak_fit.raw_spectrum # First plot the raw data for index, cake_num in enumerate(peak_fit.cake_numbers): plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, index + 1], 'x', ms=10, mew=3, label=f"Cake {cake_num}") title_size = matplotlib.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] # Now plot the fit x_data = np.linspace(np.min(data[:, 0]), np.max(data[:, 0]), 100) y_fit = peak_fit.result.model.eval(peak_fit.result.params, x=x_data) plt.plot(x_data, y_fit, 'k--', lw=1, label="Fit") # Do all the ancillaries to make the plot look good. plt.minorticks_on() plt.tight_layout() plt.xlabel(r'Two Theta ($^\circ$)') plt.ylabel('Intensity') plt.legend() if title is not None: plt.title(title, va="bottom", fontsize=title_size, pad=title_size * 1.8) elif time_step is not None: plt.title(f'Fit at t = {time_step}', va="bottom", fontsize=title_size, pad=title_size * 1.8) for index, maxima_name in enumerate(peak_fit.maxima_names): maxima_center = peak_fit.result.params[f"maximum_{index}_center"] plt.text(maxima_center, plt.ylim()[1] * 1.05, maxima_name, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=title_size * 0.8, rotation=label_angle) if log_scale: plt.yscale("log") plt.tight_layout() if file_name: file_name = pathlib.Path(file_name) if not file_name.parent.exists(): os.makedirs(file_name.parent) plt.savefig(file_name) else:
[docs]def plot_parameter(data: np.ndarray, fit_parameter: str, show_points: bool, show_error: bool, scale_by_error: bool = False, log_scale=False): """Plot a parameter of a fit against time. :param data: The data to plot, x data in the first column, y data in the second column and the y error in the third column. :param fit_parameter: The name of the parameter being plotted, used to generate the y-axis label :param show_points: Whether to show data points on the plot. :param show_error: Whether to show error bars on the plot. :param scale_by_error: If True auto scale the y-axis to the range of the error bars. If False, auto scale the y-axis to the range of the data. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y-axis on a log or linear scale. """ no_covar_mask = data[:, 2] == 0 covar_mask = [not value for value in no_covar_mask] # Plotting the data plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], "-", mec="red") # Save the y-range to reapply later if wanted data_y_range = plt.ylim() if show_points: plt.plot(data[covar_mask, 0], data[covar_mask, 1], "x", mec="blue") plt.plot(data[no_covar_mask, 0], data[no_covar_mask, 1], "^", mec="blue") # Plotting the error bars if show_error: plt.fill_between(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] - data[:, 2], data[:, 1] + data[:, 2], alpha=0.3) plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] - data[:, 2], "--", lw=0.5, color='gray') plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] + data[:, 2], "--", lw=0.5, color='gray') if not scale_by_error: plt.ylim(data_y_range) if log_scale: plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel(fit_parameter.replace('_', ' ').title())