Source code for xrdfit.spectrum_fitting

"""This module contains the main fitting functions of xrdfit."""

from __future__ import annotations
import bz2
import glob
import re
import time
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import logging

import numpy as np
import lmfit
from import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import dill

import xrdfit.plotting as plotting
from xrdfit.pv_fit import do_pv_fit


[docs]class MaximumParams: """An object representing information about a maximum within a peak. :ivar name: The name of the maximum. :ivar bounds: An upper and lower bound for the position of the center of the maximum. """ def __init__(self, name: str, bounds: Tuple[float, float]): = name self.bounds = bounds def __str__(self): return f'"{}" - Min: {self.bounds[0]}, Max: {self.bounds[1]}' def __repr__(self): return f'<{str(self)}>'
[docs]class PeakParams: """An object containing information about a peak and its maxima. :ivar peak_bounds: Where in the spectrum the peak begins and ends. The fit will be done over this region. :ivar maxima: A MaximumParams for each of the maxima. :ivar peak_name: The name of the peak, made from compounding the maxima names. :ivar previous_fit_parameters: If running multiple fits over time using a :class:`FitExperiment`, the result of the previous fit. """ def __init__(self, peak_bounds: Tuple[float, float], maxima_names: Union[str, List[str]], maxima_bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]] = None): """ :param peak_bounds: Where in the spectrum the peak begins and ends. The fit will be done over this region. :param maxima_names: A name for each of the maxima. :param maxima_bounds: If there is more than one maxima, a bounding box for each peak center. """ self.peak_bounds = peak_bounds if isinstance(maxima_names, str): maxima_names = [maxima_names] self.maxima = self._add_maxima(peak_bounds, maxima_names, maxima_bounds) self.peak_name = " ".join(maxima_names) self.previous_fit_parameters: Union[lmfit.Parameters, None] = None def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation of PeakParams. Can be copy/pasted for instantiation of new PeakParams.""" string = f"PeakParams({self.peak_bounds}, {self.get_maxima_names()})" if self.maxima[0] != self.peak_bounds: string += f", ({[maximum.bounds for maximum in self.maxima]})" return string def __repr__(self): string = f"<PeakParams({self.peak_bounds}, maxima: {self.get_maxima_names()})>" if self.maxima[0] != self.peak_bounds: string += f", maxima bounds: {[maximum.bounds for maximum in self.maxima]})" return string
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, params: dict, name: str) -> PeakParams: """Generate PeakParams objects from a specification provided as a dictionary. This allows reading in PeakParams from YAML files.""" valid_keys = ["peak_bounds", "maxima_names", "maxima_bounds"] if "peak_bounds" not in params: raise SyntaxError(f"'peak_bounds' key not specified for peak: '{name}' in input " f"parameters.") if "maxima_names" not in params: raise SyntaxError(f"'maxima_names' key not specified for peak: '{name}' in input " f"parameters.") for key in params.keys(): if key not in valid_keys: raise SyntaxError("Error in PeakParams specifications for peak: '{name}'. " f"Invalid key: '{key}'. Valid keys are: " f"{' '.join(valid_keys)}") # Split on any non-string character apart from period. peak_bounds = re.split(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]+", params["peak_bounds"]) peak_bounds = tuple([float(i) for i in peak_bounds]) if "maxima_bounds" in params: maxima_bounds = [re.split(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]+", pair) for pair in params["maxima_bounds"]] maxima_bounds = [tuple([float(i) for i in pair]) for pair in maxima_bounds] return PeakParams(peak_bounds, params["maxima_names"], maxima_bounds) else: return PeakParams(peak_bounds, params["maxima_names"])
[docs] def get_maxima_names(self) -> List[str]: return [ for maximum in self.maxima]
[docs] def set_previous_fit(self, fit_params: lmfit.Parameters, maxima_snr: List[float], snr_cutoff: float): """Peak fit parameters can be passed from the result of one fit to be initial parameters for the next fit. Parameters are only passed on if the previous fit was good as defined by the signal to noise ratio of the maxima. The signal to noise is assessed per maxima meaning that it may be the case that only a subset of the parameters are reused. In addition, the peak center may drift over time so the center parameter limits for the next fit are reset. The parameters to be used for the next fit are stored in the previous_fit_parameters variable of the PeakParams object. :param fit_params: The final parameters of the previous fit. :param maxima_snr: A measure of the signal to noise ratio for each maxima in the peak :param snr_cutoff: The signal to noise ratio that defines whether a fit is good enough for parameters to be carried over to the next fit. """ retained_parameters = lmfit.Parameters() for parameter in fit_params.values(): if != "background": maximum_index = int("_")[1]) if maxima_snr[maximum_index] > snr_cutoff: if "center" in center_value = parameter.value center_range = parameter.max - parameter.min center_min = center_value - (center_range / 2) center_max = center_value + (center_range / 2) retained_parameters.add(, value=center_value, min=center_min, max=center_max) else: retained_parameters[] = parameter else: retained_parameters[] = parameter self.previous_fit_parameters = retained_parameters
[docs] def adjust_peak_bounds(self, fit_result: lmfit.model.ModelResult): """Adjust peak bounds to re-center the peak in the peak bounds. :param fit_result: The final parameters of the previous fit. """ centers = [fit_result.params[name].value for name in fit_result.params if "center" in name] center = sum(centers) / len(centers) bound_width = self.peak_bounds[1] - self.peak_bounds[0] self.peak_bounds = (center - (bound_width / 2), center + (bound_width / 2))
[docs] def adjust_maxima_bounds(self, fit_result: lmfit.model.ModelResult): """Adjust maxima bounds to re-center the maximum in the maximum bounds. :param fit_result: The result of the previous fit. """ for index, maximum in enumerate(self.maxima): center = fit_result.params[f"maximum_{index}_center"].value maximum_bound_width = maximum.bounds[1] - maximum.bounds[0] lower_bound = center - maximum_bound_width / 2 upper_bound = center + maximum_bound_width / 2 maximum.bounds = (lower_bound, upper_bound)
@staticmethod def _add_maxima(peak_bounds: Tuple[float, float], maxima_names: List[str], maxima_bounds: Union[None, List[Tuple[float, float]]],) -> List[MaximumParams]: """Given a list of maxima names and maxima bounds, generate a list of MaximaParams.""" num_maxima = len(maxima_names) if maxima_bounds is None and num_maxima > 1: raise TypeError(f"More than one maxima name specified so must provide maxima bounds.") # For a single maximum where no bounds are specified, use peak bounds as maxima bounds. if maxima_bounds is None: maxima_bounds = [peak_bounds] if num_maxima > 1: if num_maxima != len(maxima_bounds): raise TypeError(f"Number of maxima bounds does not match number of maxima names." f"{len(maxima_names)} names are specified and " f"{len(maxima_bounds)} maxima bounds are specified.") maxima = [MaximumParams(name, bounds) for name, bounds in zip(maxima_names, maxima_bounds)] return maxima
[docs]class PeakFit: """An object containing data on the fit to a peak. :ivar name: The name of the peak. :ivar maxima_names: The names of the maxima in the peak. :ivar raw_spectrum: The raw data to which the fit is made. :ivar result: The lmfit result of the fit. :ivar cake_numbers: The cake number each column in raw_spectrum refers to. """ def __init__(self, peak_params: PeakParams): """ :param peak_params: A PeakParams object describing the peak to be fitted. """ = peak_params.peak_name self.maxima_names = peak_params.get_maxima_names() self.raw_spectrum: Union[None, np.ndarray] = None self.result: Union[None, lmfit.model.ModelResult] = None self.cake_numbers: List[int] = [] self._maxima_snrs: List[float] = [] def __str__(self): return f"PeakFit {}, fit complete: {bool(self.result)}" def __repr__(self): return f'<{str(self)}>'
[docs] def plot(self, time_step: str = None, file_name: str = None, title: str = None, label_angle: float = None, log_scale=False): """ Plot the raw spectral data and the fit. :param time_step: If provided, a time step used to generate the title of the plot. :param file_name: If provided, save the plot to this file as well as displaying it. :param title: If provided, override the autogenerated plot title with this title. :param label_angle: The angle to rotate maxima labels. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y-axis in a log or linear scale. """ if self.raw_spectrum is None: logging.warning("Cannot plot fit peak as fitting has not been done yet.") else: plotting.plot_peak_fit(self, time_step, file_name, title, label_angle, log_scale=log_scale)
[docs] def get_maxima_snrs(self) -> List[float]: """Get the signal to noise ratio for each maxima in a PeakFit.""" if not self._maxima_snrs: self._calculate_maxima_snrs() return self._maxima_snrs
def _calculate_maxima_snrs(self): """Calculate the signal to noise ratio for each maxima in a PeakFit.""" maxima_heights = [parameter.value for name, parameter in self.result.params.items() if name.endswith("height")] # Add background to height to get y-value of maxima maxima_heights = np.array(maxima_heights) + self.result.params["background"].value y_data = baseline_level = np.percentile(y_data, 60) baseline_points = y_data[y_data < baseline_level] self._maxima_snrs = (maxima_heights - np.mean(baseline_points)) / np.std(baseline_points)
[docs]class FitSpectrum: """An object that stores data about a spectrum and its fitted peaks. :ivar first_cake_angle: The angle of the first cake in the data file in degrees clockwise from North. This angle is always clockwise regardless of the value of `cake_order`. :ivar fitted_peaks: Fits to peaks in the spectrum. :ivar num_evaluations: A dict of peak names and how many iterations the fit took to converge. :ivar fit_time: A dict of peak names and the time taken to evaluate that fit. :ivar spectral_data: Data for the whole diffraction pattern. :ivar cake_order: The order of cakes in the file. Valid options are `clockwise` or `anticlockwise` """ def __init__(self, file_path: str, first_cake_angle: int = 90, delimiter="\t", cake_order="clockwise"): """ :param file_path: The path of the file containing scattering data to load. :param first_cake_angle: The angle of the first cake in the data file in degrees clockwise from North. :param delimiter: The delimiter between values in the input file. """ valid_orders = ["clockwise", "anticlockwise"] if cake_order not in valid_orders: raise SyntaxError(f"Cake order {cake_order} is not valid. Cake order must be one of: " f"{valid_orders}") self.first_cake_angle = first_cake_angle self.cake_order = cake_order self.fitted_peaks: List[PeakFit] = [] self.num_evaluations = {} self.fit_time = {} self.spectral_data = pd.read_table(file_path, delimiter=delimiter, header=None).to_numpy() def __str__(self): return f"FitSpectrum with {self.num_cakes} cakes. " \ f"Num fitted peaks: {len(self.fitted_peaks)}" def __repr__(self): return f'<{str(self)}>' @property def num_cakes(self): """The number of cakes in the spectral data of this FitSpectrum.""" return self.spectral_data.shape[1] - 1
[docs] def plot_polar(self): """Plot the whole diffraction pattern on polar axes.""" with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): z_data = np.log10(self.spectral_data[:, 1:]) rad = self.spectral_data[:, 0] rad = np.insert(rad, 0, 0) plotting.plot_polar_heat_map(self.num_cakes, rad, z_data, self.first_cake_angle, self.cake_order)
[docs] def highlight_cakes(self, cakes: Union[int, List[int]]): """Plot a circular map of diffraction pattern with the selected cakes highlighted. :param cakes: The cake numbers to be highlighted. """ z_data = np.zeros((1, self.spectral_data.shape[1] - 1)) for cake_num in cakes: z_data[0, cake_num - 1] = 1 rad = [0, 1] plotting.plot_polar_heat_map(self.num_cakes, rad, z_data, self.first_cake_angle, self.cake_order)
[docs] def plot(self, cakes_to_plot: Union[int, List[int]], x_range: Tuple[float, float] = None, merge_cakes: bool = False, show_points=False, log_scale=False): """Plot the intensity as a function of two theta for a given cake. :param cakes_to_plot: The numbers of one or more cakes to plot. :param x_range: If supplied, restricts the x-axis of the plot to this range. :param merge_cakes: If True plot the sum of the selected cakes as a single line. If False plot all selected cakes individually. :param show_points: Whether to show data points on the plot. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y-axis on a log or linear scale. """ if isinstance(cakes_to_plot, int): cakes_to_plot = [cakes_to_plot] # Get the data to plot if merge_cakes: data = self._get_spectrum_subset(cakes_to_plot, x_range, True) else: data = self.spectral_data plotting.plot_spectrum(data, cakes_to_plot, merge_cakes, show_points, x_range, log_scale)
[docs] def plot_fit(self, fit_name: str, time_step: str = None, file_name: str = None, label_angle: float = None, log_scale=False): """Plot the result of a fit and the raw data. :param fit_name: The name of the fit to plot. :param time_step: If provided, the time_step of the fit which will be added to the title. :param file_name: If provided, the stub of the file name to write the plot to, if not provided, the plot will be displayed on screen. :param label_angle: The angle to rotate maxima labels. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y-axis on a log or linear scale. """ fit = self.get_fit(fit_name) fit.plot(time_step, file_name, label_angle=label_angle, log_scale=log_scale)
[docs] def plot_peak_params(self, peak_params: Union[PeakParams, List[PeakParams]], cakes_to_plot: Union[int, List[int]], x_range: Tuple[float, float] = None, merge_cakes: bool = False, show_points=False, label_angle=None, log_scale=False): """Plot a visualisation of the provided :class:`PeakParams` over the raw data. :param peak_params: The :class:`PeakParams` to plot. :param cakes_to_plot: The numbers of one or more cakes to plot to raw data for. :param x_range: If supplied, restricts the x-axis of the plot to this range. :param merge_cakes: If True plot the sum of the selected cakes as a single line. If False plot all selected cakes individually. :param show_points: Whether to show data points on the plot. :param label_angle: The angle to rotate maxima labels. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y-axis on a log or linear scale. """ if isinstance(cakes_to_plot, int): cakes_to_plot = [cakes_to_plot] if isinstance(peak_params, PeakParams): peak_params = [peak_params] # Get the data to plot if merge_cakes: data = self._get_spectrum_subset(cakes_to_plot, x_range, True) else: data = self.spectral_data if x_range is None: bounds = [param.peak_bounds for param in peak_params] min_bound = min(bounds)[0] max_bound = max(bounds, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] bound_range = max_bound - min_bound padding = bound_range / 10 x_range = (min_bound - padding, max_bound + padding) plotting.plot_spectrum(data, cakes_to_plot, merge_cakes, show_points, x_range, log_scale) plotting.plot_peak_params(peak_params, x_range, label_angle)
[docs] def fit_peaks(self, peak_params: Union[PeakParams, List[PeakParams]], cakes: Union[int, List[int]], merge_cakes: bool = False): """Attempt to fit peaks within the ranges specified by :class:`PeakParams`. :param peak_params: A list of :class:`PeakParams` describing the peaks to be fitted. :param cakes: Which cakes to fit. :param merge_cakes: If True and multiple cakes are specified then sum the cakes before fitting. Else do the fit to multiple cakes simultaneously. """ self.fitted_peaks = [] if isinstance(cakes, int): cakes = [cakes] if isinstance(peak_params, PeakParams): peak_params = [peak_params] self.fit_time = {peak.peak_name: 0 for peak in peak_params} self.num_evaluations = {peak.peak_name: 0 for peak in peak_params} for peak_param in peak_params: new_fit = PeakFit(peak_param) new_fit.raw_spectrum = self._get_spectrum_subset(cakes, peak_param.peak_bounds, merge_cakes) start = time.perf_counter() if merge_cakes: new_fit.cake_numbers = [" + ".join(map(str, cakes))] new_fit.result = do_pv_fit(new_fit.raw_spectrum, peak_param) else: new_fit.cake_numbers = list(map(str, cakes)) stacked_spectrum = _get_stacked_spectrum(new_fit.raw_spectrum) new_fit.result = do_pv_fit(stacked_spectrum, peak_param) fit_time = time.perf_counter() - start self.fitted_peaks.append(new_fit) # Debug for slow fits if new_fit.result.nfev > 500: logging.debug(peak_param.peak_name) logging.debug(new_fit.result.init_params) logging.debug(new_fit.result.params) # Check if logging is set to debug before printing plot if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= 10: new_fit.result.plot_fit(show_init=True, numpoints=500) # Accounting self.num_evaluations[peak_param.peak_name] = new_fit.result.nfev self.fit_time[peak_param.peak_name] = fit_time
def _get_spectrum_subset(self, cakes: Union[int, List[int]], x_range: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]], merge_cakes: bool) -> np.ndarray: """Return spectral intensity as a function of 2-theta for a selected 2-theta range. :param cakes: One or more cakes to get the intensity for. :param x_range: Limits to the two-theta values returned. :param merge_cakes: If more than one cake and True, sum the values of all of the cakes else return one column for each cake. """ if isinstance(cakes, int): cakes = [cakes] if x_range is None: x_range = [-np.inf, np.inf] theta_mask = np.logical_and(self.spectral_data[:, 0] > x_range[0], self.spectral_data[:, 0] < x_range[1]) if merge_cakes: # Returns 2 columns, the two-theta angles and the summed intensity data = np.sum(self.spectral_data[:, cakes], axis=1) data = np.vstack((self.spectral_data[:, 0], data)).T return data[theta_mask, :] else: # Returns an array with one column for the two-theta values and one column for each cake chosen_cakes = [0] + cakes return self.spectral_data[np.ix_(theta_mask, chosen_cakes)]
[docs] def get_fit(self, name: str) -> Union[PeakFit]: """Get a :class:`PeakFit` by name. :param name: The name of the :class:`PeakFit` to get. """ for fit in self.fitted_peaks: if == name: return fit # If there are no matching peak names, loop through again and check for matches # with maximum names for fit in self.fitted_peaks: for maximum_name in fit.maxima_names: if maximum_name == name: return fit raise KeyError(f"Fit: '{name}' not found")
[docs]class FitReport: """Some details about the performance of a :class:`FitExperiment`. :ivar fit_time: The cumulative time taken to fit each peak in the spectrum. :ivar num_evaluations: The number of evaluations taken for the fit to minimise for each peak in the spectrum. :ivar num_time_steps: The number of time steps in the :class:`FitExperiment`. """ def __init__(self, peak_names: List[str]): """ :param peak_names: The names of the peaks being fitted in the :class:`FitExperiment`. """ self.fit_time: dict = {peak_name: 0 for peak_name in peak_names} self.num_evaluations: dict = {peak_name: [] for peak_name in peak_names} self.num_time_steps = None
[docs] def print(self, evaluation_threshold: int = 500, detailed=False): """Print the fit report to the console. :param evaluation_threshold: The number of fitting iterations that the triggers the report to warn about slow fitting. :param detailed: If True, also report the time taken to do the fits. """ slow_fits = {} # Work out if any of the fits are slower than the evaluation threshold for name, num_evaluations in self.num_evaluations.items(): num_evaluations = np.array(num_evaluations) slow_fits[name] = np.sum(num_evaluations > evaluation_threshold) if sum(slow_fits.values()): print(f"The following fits took over {evaluation_threshold} fitting iterations. " f"The quality of these fits should be checked.") for peak_name, num_evaluations in slow_fits.items(): if num_evaluations > 0: percentage = num_evaluations / self.num_time_steps * 100 print(f"{percentage:2.1f}% of fits for peak {peak_name}") if detailed: print(f"\nFit times:") for peak_name, fit_time in self.fit_time.items(): print(f"{fit_time:2.1f} s: {peak_name}")
[docs]class FitExperiment: """Information about a series of fits to temporally spaced diffraction patterns. :ivar spectrum_time: Time between subsequent diffraction patterns. :ivar file_string: String used to glob for the diffraction patterns. :ivar first_cake_angle: The angle of the first cake in the data file in degrees clockwise from North. :ivar cakes_to_fit: Which of the cakes in the diffraction pattern to fit. :ivar peak_params: The provided :class:`PeakParams` to use for fitting. :ivar merge_cakes: If multiple cakes are requested, whether to merge them or fit them \ separately. :ivar frames_to_load: If specified, which time steps to fit. :ivar time_steps: A list of :class:`FitSpectrum` one for each time step. :ivar fit_report: A :class:`FitReport` for this :class`FittingExperiment`. """ def __init__(self, spectrum_time: float, file_string: str, first_cake_angle: int, cakes_to_fit: List[int], peak_params: Union[PeakParams, List[PeakParams]], merge_cakes: bool, frames_to_load: List[int] = None): """ :param spectrum_time: Time between subsequent diffraction patterns. :param file_string: String used to glob for the diffraction patterns. :param first_cake_angle: The angle of the first cake in the data file in degrees \ clockwise from North. :param cakes_to_fit: Which of the cakes in the diffraction pattern to fit. :param peak_params: The provided :class:`PeakParams` to use for fitting. :param merge_cakes: If multiple cakes are requested, whether to merge them or fit them \ separately. :param frames_to_load: If specified, which time steps to fit. """ self.spectrum_time = spectrum_time self.file_string = file_string self.first_cake_angle = first_cake_angle self.cakes_to_fit = cakes_to_fit if isinstance(peak_params, PeakParams): peak_params = [peak_params] self.peak_params = peak_params self.merge_cakes = merge_cakes self.frames_to_load = frames_to_load self.time_steps: List[FitSpectrum] = [] self.fit_report = FitReport([peak.peak_name for peak in peak_params]) def __str__(self): return f'FitExperiment with {len(self.time_steps)} time steps.' def __repr__(self): return f'<{str(self)}>'
[docs] def run_analysis(self, reuse_fits=False): """Run a fit over multiple diffraction patterns. :param reuse_fits: If True, use the result of one time step to provide the initial parameters for the next fit. If False, guess the initial fit parameters from the data at each time step. """ if self.frames_to_load: file_list = [self.file_string.format(number) for number in self.frames_to_load] else: file_list = sorted(glob.glob(self.file_string)) if len(file_list) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No files found with file stub: '{self.file_string}'") self.fit_report.num_time_steps = len(file_list) print(f"Processing {len(file_list)} diffraction patterns.") for file_path in tqdm(file_list): spectral_data = FitSpectrum(file_path, self.first_cake_angle) spectral_data.fit_peaks(self.peak_params, self.cakes_to_fit, self.merge_cakes) self.time_steps.append(spectral_data) self._prepare_peak_params(reuse_fits, spectral_data) self._update_fit_report(spectral_data) print("Analysis complete.") self.fit_report.print()
def _prepare_peak_params(self, reuse_fits, spectral_data): """Prepare the PeakParams for the next time step.""" for peak_fit, peak_params in zip(spectral_data.fitted_peaks, self.peak_params): maxima_snr = peak_fit.get_maxima_snrs() if reuse_fits: # Check signal to noise is good enough to reuse the params peak_params.set_previous_fit(peak_fit.result.params, maxima_snr, 4) # Move maxima bounds and peak bounds to keep shifting peaks centered in the bounds. peak_params.adjust_maxima_bounds(peak_fit.result) peak_params.adjust_peak_bounds(peak_fit.result)
[docs] def peak_names(self) -> List[str]: """List the names of the peaks specified for fitting in the PeakParams.""" return [peak.peak_name for peak in self.peak_params]
[docs] def fit_parameters(self, peak_name: str) -> List[str]: """List the names of the parameters of the fit for a specified peak. The names are modified from the internal lmfit names to the maxima names provided by the user. :param peak_name: The peak to list the parameters of. """ fit_parameters = [] if self.time_steps: for name, param in self.time_steps[0].get_fit(peak_name).result.params.items(): # Convert the internal lmfit parameter names to user friendly ones if name != "background": parameter_name = f"{param.user_data}_{name.split('_')[-1]}" fit_parameters.append(parameter_name) else: fit_parameters.append(name) return fit_parameters
[docs] def get_fit_parameter(self, peak_name: str, fit_parameter: str) -> Union[None, np.ndarray]: """Get the raw values and error of a fitting parameter over time. :param peak_name: The name of the peak to get the data for. :param fit_parameter: The name of the fit parameter to get the data for. :returns: A NumPy array with x data in the first column, y data in the second column and the y-error in the third column. """ # Check validity of peak name against known peak names peak_names = [peak.peak_name for peak in self.peak_params] if peak_name not in peak_names: # If peak name not found, check for matches with maximum names maxima_names = [peak.get_maxima_names() for peak in self.peak_params] # Flatten nested list maxima_names = [item for sublist in maxima_names for item in sublist] if peak_name not in maxima_names: logging.warning(f"Peak '{peak_name}' not found in fitted peaks.") return None if fit_parameter not in self.fit_parameters(peak_name): logging.warning(f"Unknown fit parameter '{fit_parameter}' for peak '{peak_name}'.") return None # This section translates the user friendly parameter name into the internal lmfit # parameter name if fit_parameter != "background": maximum_name, param_type = fit_parameter.split("_") peak_fit = self.time_steps[0].get_fit(peak_name) name_index = peak_fit.maxima_names.index(maximum_name) fit_parameter = f"maximum_{name_index}_{param_type}" parameters = [] for time_step in self.time_steps: peak_fit = time_step.get_fit(peak_name) parameters.append(peak_fit.result.params[fit_parameter]) if self.frames_to_load: x_data = np.array(self.frames_to_load) * self.spectrum_time else: x_data = (np.arange(len(parameters)) + 1) * self.spectrum_time # It is possible that leastsq can't invert the curvature matrix so cant provide error # estimates. In these cases stderr is given as None. errors = [parameter.stderr if parameter.stderr else 0 for parameter in parameters] values = [parameter.value for parameter in parameters] data = np.vstack((x_data, values, errors)).T return data
[docs] def plot_fit_parameter(self, peak_name: str, fit_parameter: str, show_points=False, show_error=True, scale_by_error: bool = False, log_scale=False): """Plot a named parameter of a fit as a function of time. :param peak_name: The name of the fit to plot. :param fit_parameter: The name of the fit parameter to plot. :param show_points: Whether to show data points on the plot. :param show_error: Whether to show the y-error as a shaded area on the plot. :param scale_by_error: If False the y-axis will be scaled to fit the data values. If True the y-axis will be scaled to fit the error values. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y-axis on a log or linear scale. """ data = self.get_fit_parameter(peak_name, fit_parameter) if data is not None: plotting.plot_parameter(data, fit_parameter, show_points, show_error, scale_by_error, log_scale)
[docs] def plot_fits(self, num_time_steps: int = 5, peak_names: Union[List[str], str] = None, time_steps: List[int] = None, file_name: str = None, log_scale=False): """Plot the calculated fits to the data for this :class:`FitExperiment` instance. :param num_time_steps: The number of time_steps to plot fits for. The function will plot this many time_steps, evenly spaced over the whole dataset. This value is ignored if `time_steps` is specified. :param peak_names: The name of the peak to fit. If not specified, will plot all fitted peaks. :param time_steps: If provided, a list of time_steps to plot the fits for. :param file_name: If provided, outputs the plot to an image file with file_name as the image name stub. :param log_scale: Whether to plot the y-axis on a log or linear scale. """ if time_steps is None: time_steps = self._calculate_time_steps(num_time_steps) if peak_names is None: peak_names = self.peak_names() if isinstance(peak_names, str): peak_names = [peak_names] for time_step in time_steps: for name in peak_names: if file_name: output_name = f"../plots/{file_name}_{name}_{time_step :04d}.png" else: output_name = None self.time_steps[time_step].plot_fit(name, str(time_step), output_name, log_scale=log_scale)
def _calculate_time_steps(self, num_time_steps: int) -> List[int]: """Work out which time_steps to plot. :param num_time_steps: The total number of time steps to plot. """ time_steps = np.linspace(0, len(self.time_steps) - 1, num_time_steps) # Remove duplicate values time_steps = list(dict.fromkeys(np.round(time_steps)).keys()) time_steps = [int(i) for i in time_steps] return time_steps
[docs] def save(self, file_name: str): """Dump the data and all fits to a compressed binary file using dill. :param file_name: The name of the file to save the data to. """ print("Saving data to dump file.") with, 'wb') as output_file: dill.dump(self, output_file) print("Data successfully saved to dump file.")
def _update_fit_report(self, spectral_data: FitSpectrum): """Update the fit report with stats from the fitting. :param spectral_data: The Spectrum which was just fitted. """ for peak_name, fit_time in spectral_data.fit_time.items(): self.fit_report.fit_time[peak_name] += fit_time for peak_name, num_evaluations in spectral_data.num_evaluations.items(): self.fit_report.num_evaluations[peak_name].append(num_evaluations)
def _get_stacked_spectrum(spectrum: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Take an number of observations from N different cakes and stack them vertically into a 2 column wide array. :param spectrum: The spectral data to manipulate. """ stacked_data = spectrum[:, 0:2] spectrum_columns = spectrum.shape[1] for column_num in range(2, spectrum_columns): stacked_data = np.vstack( (stacked_data, spectrum[np.ix_([True] * spectrum.shape[0], [0, column_num])])) stacked_data = stacked_data[stacked_data[:, 0].argsort()] return stacked_data
[docs]def load_dump(file_name: str) -> FitExperiment: """ Load a FittingExperiment object saved using the method. :param file_name: The path of the file to load the data from. """ print("Loading data from dump file.") with, "rb") as input_file: data = dill.load(input_file) print("Data successfully loaded from dump file.") return data
[docs]def peak_params_from_dict(peak_params: dict) -> List[PeakParams]: """Given a dictionary specifying Peak parameters, return a list of PeakParams objects.""" return [PeakParams.from_dict(param, name) for name, param in peak_params.items()]